How to Remove a Member/User

This should only be used in the case of a truly incorrect member profile. If you need to make a change to the profile, do that by clicking Edit Profile at the top of the member's account. 

To remove a member, look for the subtle Remove Member/User button below the notes on the Membership tab (General Info page for Workplace) of a member's account.

Please note:

  • Removing a member from your site does not result in the deletion of any data, however, most data will become inaccessible or uneditable. If a member wants their data to be removed from the system, they may email You may not request deletion on their behalf.
  • We highly recommend downgrading the member to the default Membership so that they can continue with their account if they choose to upgrade their membership again.
  • Reservations made by this member account will be canceled.
  • This member will no longer be a part of your site, but they will be a part of the Brivo Workplace Network so if they want to re-join your site in the future, they can Log In with the same credentials rather than register again.