How Active Users are calculated for billing

This document applies to: Workplace

Billing for users is calculated based on the number of Active Users during the previous month of usage and billed on the first of the month. Or if you are a new customer, it will be calculated based on the number of Active Users at the time of activation. The number of active users can fluctuate month-to-month, especially for spaces that are monetizing excess space, so billing will reflect that fluctuation. 

Active Users are defined in Brivo Workplace in two ways. One is the users in the internal user group and the other is users in the external user group

Internal Users

Internal users are generally employees of the organization. Their access to Brivo Workplace is not monetized and pricing for resources is not displayed for these users. 

All users in this user group are considered active users and count towards your active user count. 

External Users

External users are generally people outside of your organization. their access to Brivo Workplace is monetized and pricing for access will be displayed to these people. 

Your monthly active user count for external users will be based on whether they had taken any of the following actions in the previous month: 

• made a reservation or had a recurring reservation in that month 

• had an active monthly membership*

• used a punch pass*

*features coming soon